Pregnant Medicine

Pregnant Medicine By HerbalLeaf

HerbalLeaf Chelated Iron with Vitamin C, B12, Folic Acid & Zn Supplement - Product Features
  • ? Clinically proven to be Highly Absorbable, our Chelate Iron Supplement contains the best iron: Ferrous Bisglycinate coupled with Vitamin C, Zinc, B12 plus Folic Acid. These ingredients help red blood cell formation and ensure faster acting results. Ideal for women, men, prenatal, post-operative, or teenagers who maybe low in iron or suffer from anemia.
  • ? HerbalLeaf Natural Iron Chelate (Ferrous Glycinate) has been specifically formulated to reduce the incidence of stomach upsets and diarrhea
  • ? HerbalLeaf iron tablets for women & men ensures optimal iron levels critical for Energy & Cognitive Function, Strong Immune System, Reproductive Health and Red Blood Cell Formation

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