Baking Tools By Maskey

Steel Heavy Karanji Gujia Mold Gujiya Maker Karjia Dumpling Sancha Sacha Diwali Special (Pack of 4 Spoons) - Product Features
  • First, prepare the dough by mixing together flour, semolina, salt, and ghee or oil, and kneading it until smooth.
  • Next, roll out the dough into thin sheets using a rolling pin. Take the Karanji mold or cutter and press it firmly onto the dough sheet to cut out crescent-shaped pieces. Place a small spoonful of filling (such as coconut, jaggery, or spiced vegetables) onto one side of the crescent-shaped dough piece.
  • Easy to Fold the other side of the dough over the filling and press the edges firmly to seal it.wash & clean
  • Repeat the process with the remaining dough and filling until you have Finally, deep-fry or bake the Karanjis until they are golden brown and crispy on the outside, and serve hot.

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